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This document is the revised constitution of the Cheshire Area of NAFAS and replaces the previous version ratified 23rd April 2018. It was ratified at the Special meeting held on April 7th 2022.

  1. TITLE: Shall be “THE CHESHIRE AREA OF NAFAS”, otherwise known as CAN. NAFAS is the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.
  2. GEOGRAPHIC AREA: The County of Cheshire and surrounding areas.

  3. ORGANISATION: The Cheshire Area of NAFAS is comprised of all Flower Arrangement Societies, Clubs and Groups who are within the defined geographic Area, should this prove desirable and permissible, and who agree to accept the Constitution of The Cheshire Area of NAFAS.

  4. AFFILIATION: The Cheshire Area of NAFAS is affiliated to NAFAS, Registered Charity No 1101348 and adheres to the NAFAS Vision, Mission and Values (appendix A)

    In addition to the NAFAS Vision, Mission and Values (appendix A), the Cheshire Area of NAFAS exists:
    1. To encourage the art of Flower Arrangement in all its aspects for all levels of ability.
    2. To advise and help in the formation of new Clubs and provide support to existing Clubs.
    3. To promote the bringing together of all organised Flower Arrangement Clubs.
    4. To compile and maintain a list of qualified Judges, Demonstrators, Speakers and Educators.
    5. To provide courses of instruction and tests for Judges, Demonstrators, Speakers and Educators and to ensure their professional development.
    6. To provide and encourage workshops and courses suitable for all affiliated members.
    7. To act as a link between affiliated members and NAFAS.
    8. To collaborate with NAFAS, other NAFAS Affiliated Areas, WAFA and organisations with similar interests and objectives.

  6. MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE: The Cheshire Area of NAFAS is managed by the Leadership Team, the CAN Team and The Club Representatives’ Forum.
    1. LEADERSHIP TEAM (formerly known as Area Officers):
      1. Comprised of: Area President, Area Chairman, Area Treasurer, Area Secretary, Area Vice-Chairman, and (at least) two Area Support Officers.
      2. The NAFAS National Advisory Council (NAC) Delegate shall be the Area Chairman. If the Chairman cannot attend NAC meetings, he or she shall arrange for a nominated deputy to do so, normally the Area Vice-Chairman.
      3. Area Chairman to serve for normally two years.  In the last year of the Chairman’s tenure (or earlier) a person should be appointed as the Area Vice-Chairman and they will shadow the Chairman for their final year.  On retirement of the Area Chairman, the Area Vice-Chairman will become Chairman.   An election will be held for Vice-Chairman by written ballot. If only one candidate is nominated, they will be appointed and ratified at the AGM.
      4. The Secretary, Treasurer and Support Officer(s) shall retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). To serve for normally three to five years.
      5. Nominations for the roles of Secretary, Treasurer and Support Officer(s) to be elected shall be made, by affiliated Clubs, of appropriately qualified affiliated members and should reach the Secretary (consent having been obtained from the nominee) before the AGM. In the event of no one suitable being nominated, the Leadership Team can co-opt appropriately qualified willing volunteers who are affiliated members and recommend their appointment to the Club Representatives’ Forum for ratification.
      6. Prior to the retirement of any member of the Leadership Team, a handover will be completed to ensure continuity.
      7. Each member of the Leadership Team shall have a nominated deputy within the Leadership Team who will take over their role and responsibilities if required.
      8. A President shall be nominated annually by the Leadership Team and ratified at the AGM or Club Representatives’ Forum. This is an honorary role to provide support and guidance to the Leadership Team and does not carry a vote.
      9. Any elected member of the Leadership Team may not serve as an Officer in any other Area of NAFAS.
      10. The roles and responsibilities for all members of the Leadership Team are defined in the CAN Team Roles, Purpose and Duties (appendix B).
    2. CAN TEAM (an amalgamation of roles on committees/Teams formerly known as F&GP, JDS&E, Social and Publicity):
      1. Comprised of: members of the Leadership Team, representatives of the four NAFAS disciplines (Judges, Demonstrators, Speakers and Educators), Young People Co-ordinator (formerly known as Junior Liaison), Publicity Co-ordinator, RCCS Lead, RHS Co-ordinator and Cluster Leads/Club Representatives’. Temporary membership will be granted for members leading any significant approved projects via a CAN proposal form (appendix C), to ensure adequate oversight and control.
      2. Usually chaired by the Area Chairman.
      3. Team members will serve for normally three to five years.
      4. Nominations for Team members shall be made, by affiliated Clubs, of appropriately qualified affiliated members and should reach the Secretary (consent having been obtained from the nominee) before the AGM. In the event of no one suitable being nominated, the Leadership Team can co-opt appropriately qualified willing volunteers who are affiliated members and recommend their appointment to the Club Representatives’ Forum for ratification.
      5. Prior to the retirement of any member of the CAN Team, a handover will be completed to ensure continuity.
      6. Each member of the CAN Team shall have a nominated deputy within the CAN Team who will take over their role and responsibilities if required.
      7. The roles and responsibilities for all members of the CAN Team are defined in the CAN Team Roles, Purpose and Duties (appendix B).
    3. CLUB REPRESENTATIVES’ FORUM (formerly known as Council):
      1. Each Club shall appoint annually TWO delegates (who should preferably be members of their own Committee). On appointment, names and contact details of delegates to be sent to Area Secretary.
      2. Delegates are appointed to represent the views of their Club members. If a delegate is unable to attend a meeting, the Club concerned should send a deputy to vote on their members’ behalf.
      3. Delegates will serve for normally three to five years.
      4. Delegates, or their nominated deputies, shall be authorised to vote on any resolution, each Club being entitled to ONE vote only.
      5. If a delegate be elected a member of the Leadership Team, he or she shall be replaced by another delegate from his or her Club.
      6. Only Club delegates (or nominated deputies) shall have the power to vote.
      7. A minutes secretary is appointed annually but cannot vote.
      8. Members of the Leadership and CAN Teams shall normally attend the Club Representatives’ Forum but cannot vote.
      9. Ratification of decisions, appointments, etcetera, is to be by a simple majority vote of Club delegates. A vote will not be considered valid unless at least 25% of the Clubs participate.
      10. Any affiliated member of Cheshire Area is welcome to attend the Club Representatives’ Forum but cannot vote unless attending as their Club’s nominated delegate. Attendees must notify the Secretary in advance to ensure sufficient space is available.
      11. An award of Area Associate of Honour can be given for outstanding service to the Cheshire Area of NAFAS. Nominations from affiliated Clubs, complete with citation, should be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the AGM for review and agreement by the Leadership and CAN Teams.

    1. All meetings to be listed on the CAN Diary of Events which is circulated to all Clubs by the Area Secretary and published on the Area website.
    2. The AGM to be held normally in October each year. Notice to go out by mid-August. Reports will be circulated electronically two weeks prior to the meeting.
    3. The Club Representatives’ Forum to be held at least THREE times a year. Additional meetings may be called at the request of the Area Chairman, Leadership Team, CAN Team or of ONE THIRD of the affiliated Clubs.
    4. Reports will be circulated electronically two weeks prior to the AGM/Club Representatives’ meeting.
    5. Minutes of the AGM and Club Representatives’ Meeting will be taken by the Area Minutes secretary for circulation to all Clubs and attendees by the Area Secretary.
    6. The CAN Team meeting to be held normally bi-monthly on the 4th Monday. Notes will be taken and circulated to members of the CAN Team.  Actions and significant items will be included in individual reports.
    7. The Leadership Team meeting to be held normally monthly on the 3rd Friday. Notes will be taken and circulated to members of the Leadership Team. Actions and significant items will be included in individual reports.
    8. At least TWENTY ONE days notice of all meetings to be given, where practicable.

  8. NAFAS:
    1. Delegates to NAFAS Disciplines Committees to be elected annually by the Club Representatives’ Forum at the AGM for such time as stipulated by NAFAS Rules.
    2. Delegates shall report to and attend CAN Team and Club Representatives’ Forum meetings if not already members, and may only vote if they are already a Club delegate.
    3. To serve for a period of normally three to five years, unless stipulated differently by NAFAS rules.

    1. Young People Flower Clubs formed by affiliated Clubs may affiliate to Area at a lesser joining fee and annual subscription per member, to be decided at Area AGM.
    2. Notwithstanding no. 6 above, they shall not normally have delegates to Club Representatives’ Forum or nominate roles for election but shall receive Club Representatives’ Forum and AGM minutes and participate in appropriate Area events.
    3. Independent Young People Clubs will be regarded as an affiliated Club and have the same rights to vote and nominate roles for election as adult Clubs.
    4. Young People and Young People Flower Clubs are represented at the CAN Team and Club Representatives’ Forum by the Young People Co-ordinator.

  10. FINANCE:
    1. The Treasurer will produce an annual budget and subsequent forecasts based on current finances, number of affiliated members and anticipated costs for the year ahead. The budget will be reviewed and agreed by the Leadership and CAN Teams prior to the AGM and recommended for approval at the AGM. The budget will include costings for any known proposals approved by the CAN Team.
    2. An affiliation fee per member to be ratified at the AGM on recommendation of the Leadership and CAN Teams. This will be calculated based on number of affiliated members, annual budget forecast plus the NAFAS national affiliation fee.
    3. All affiliated Clubs must pay their affiliation fees to Area before 31st October each year.
    4. The Treasurer will pay NAFAS national affiliation fees in December of each year.
    5. The Cheshire Area of NAFAS cheques to be signed by the Treasurer and one other mandated signatory.  Signatories to be members of and agreed by the Leadership Team.
    6. In the event the Treasurer is unavailable, cheques may be signed by two mandated signatories. A contingency plan must be in place for online banking arrangements.
    7. A financial statement will be circulated to all Clubs before and presented at the AGM by the Area Treasurer.
    8. The financial year to end on 31st July each year.
    9. Bankers - as deemed necessary.
    10. An appropriately qualified independent reviewer shall be appointed at the AGM, as recommended by the Treasurer and agreed by the Leadership and CAN Teams.
    11. Area Events and activities will be presented to the Leadership and CAN Teams for approval on a CAN proposal form which must include detailed budgets and costings (appendix C). Proposals having major financial implications for the Area will be presented to the AGM or Club Representatives’ Forum for ratification. Any affiliated member can submit a proposal.


Anyone wishing to represent Cheshire Area at any event should do so only on receiving approval of a completed proposal form.

    Should The Cheshire Area of NAFAS cease to function according to the Constitution or suffer financial hardship such that it can no longer operate, a recommendation to dissolve the Area will be presented by the Leadership Team for ratification. The affairs shall then be wound up and any monies and other assets shall be divided per capita amongst affiliated members via their Clubs.

    1. The Constitution may be altered by a simple majority vote at an AGM or Club Representatives’ Forum.
    2. Proposal for change may be submitted by an authorised Club delegate or member of the Leadership Team on recommendation of the Leadership Team or CAN Team.
    3. Notice of any proposed alteration shall be given in writing by an appointed Club delegate of the Club Representatives’ Forum or by an affiliated Club and no alteration can be made unless it has appeared on the printed Agenda for the said meeting.
    4. Any such proposal must be submitted to the Secretary of The Cheshire Area of NAFAS not less than eight weeks before the meeting and it must be sponsored by an appointed Representative at the said meeting.


Appendix A
NAFAS Vison, Mission and Values

Appendix B
CAN Team Roles, Purpose and Duties

Appendix C
CAN Proposal Form